Docear as reference management
Docear as reference management

docear as reference management

Often they would be moved around, either to rethink a given organization for a single paper or to organize the notes for another paper. To use these notes, one would typically lay them out, putting similar notes in piles, related topics near each other, and so on. Each note card had a separate idea and, usually, information about the source of the idea. If you're old enough, think back to the old days when academic work used index cards for bibliographic information and notes, you kept photocopies of journal articles in files, and books and journals on shelves. Rather than start another thread, I'm posting this here, although it has broader scope than just mind mapping. If they did - Joscha has offered for people to include it in ZotFile, a translator that exports notes - if desired with a zotero://select link to the original items or so - would also not be terribly hard to do. That has pros and cons, but I don't share your sentiment that many people consider that a major issue. The one thing Zotero doesn't do is to put notes in to separate files, but stores them in its database.


Admittedly, the hyperlink to the PDF page gets lost on export/import, but I'm not sure to what degree that can be solved. in pretty much every bibliographic export format it supports), so it's not like they're locked in any reasonable meaning of the term. Zotero also does export its notes in multiple formats (i.e. Again, all of these annotations are standard and you'll keep them if you switch to a different ref manager. Thousands of people are annotating PDFs on their tablet using one of the several available workflows from the simple ZotFile tablet function to ZotPad with goodreader or PaperShip with built in annotations. Just like Docear, Zotero expects users to rely on 3rd party tools for annotating PDFs, and thankfully those annotations are mostly standardized.


I mean - Zotero can extract and display PDF annotations made in Adobe (and any other PDF software using standards) via Zotfile.

docear as reference management

I really appreciate your efforts and attention. In the meantime I'm sticking with Zotero because it continues to perform brilliantly for most of what I use it for. Either way, I know others have related concerns and for me it is one of the make or break features that would draw me to another ref manager (incl inline pdf viewing/ annotation). Perhaps I'm not describing the problem correctly, or people are not expecting this kind of functionality from Zotero. Thus I am a little amazed that you suggest I'm the only one thinking about this issue. Acrobat - although in my experience it finds only comments and not highlights). To my knowledge, Docear is one of the few if only apps that can search and display editable pdf annotations made in another app (e.g. No one wants their data locked inside one piece of software. As people increasingly use the iPad and other tablets for pdf reading and annotation I suspect this concern will only increase. Various scripts have also been written for extracting pdf annotations from pdf readers into repositories like DT. devonthink) or other applications (mindmapping, word processing) currently fills several workflow blogs. papers, bookends, sente) to repository databases (e.g. On the other hand the topic of import/export searchable pdf annotations from other ref managers (e.g. Well, it's tough to be a visionary sometimes. However, I eagerly cast my vote for such a move! Perhaps there are other integration projects already in the pipeline? Is Zotero considering a Docear-like integration? Apparently the VUE plugin doesn't work any longer. It looks like one of the more powerful mapping apps I've seen. (I just wish it would add in-app pdf viewing and annotation.) I found the VUE app today and very impressed. I love Zotero and still choose it over other ref mgrs. So, I wonder if Zotero has considered such collaboration. I have contacted Docear but they are unable to consider other open source alternatives at the moment. Part of this has to do with JabRef and Freeplane apps themselves. However, while I love the Docear concept, I still find it buggy, at least on a Mac. I have been impressed with the Open Source app Docear, which integrates reference management (JabRef) with mindmapping (Freeplane) and adds things like searchable pdf annotations inside the pdf - still difficult to come by in most ref managers including Zotero - and then it maps these annotations and pdfs.

Docear as reference management